Is a certain aspect of your life not going the way you'd like it to? Are you unhappy with yourself? I have a great fix for you - Blame.
In recent weeks I have had the same problem coming at me from the past. What did I do? I blamed it on something else. I do this and I'm sure at some point you have done it too. It won't make the problem go away.
Before my grandma passed away, her last words of wisdom to me was that life was going to keep throwing the same problems at me until I finally figured out the right way to correct them. Sadly I grew older and forgot about that philosophy. I got caught up in myself and didn't think anything was my fault. Sometimes they were and sometimes they weren't. I was never wrong in my eyes.
She was right though. The problem wouldn't go away until I figured out what the root of what was causing it. Most of the time the problem started with me. Maybe it was my approach of the situation or the way I handled it. Maybe my problem could have been solved earlier if I did something differently.
If I was late to work, I would blame traffic. If I forgot to pay a bill, I would blame the business for not reminding me. If I had a disagreement with someone, I'd blame them for not being open minded or considerate of my opinion. If I was upset about not getting hired for a job, I would blame the company. I should have left earlier and accounted for the traffic. It was my responsibility to know when my bills were due. If I expected someone to be open minded and considerate of my opinion then I should be open minded and considerate of their opinion. If I wanted the job I should have stayed at a job longer than a year. It is so easy to put the blame on something/someone. I think that's why we do it. The best way to deal with a problem is to not deal with it.
I am still learning to take ownership of my problems.
Somethings are not your fault though. You can't control other people, the weather or certain health issues.